Every contribution to our donation account helps us keep our content up and running, thanks a bundle!
Note on donation receipts: In order to reduce the administrative workload, we only issue donation receipts above an amount of 300 €, since below that your own bank statement is sufficient as a receipt (-> steuererklaerung.de/ratgeber-steuern/spenden-absetzen/ as of January 2021). If you want a donation receipt, please send us a mail with your address (-> mail to: finanzen [ ät ] straze.de).
Thank you for your support and understanding!
Loan and donation community
If you want to support us in the long term, you can do so by participating in a loan and donation community. For this purpose a group of people is formed. Each person in the group donates between 10 and 50 Euros per month over a period of three years. GLS Bank gives us the entire amount immediately and we can work with it right away.
Questions? Interested? (mail: to finanzen[ät]straze.de]
If you want to give us a private loan, please contact us: finanzen[ät]straze.de