The STRAZE wants to be a special place for Greifswald and Western Pomerania.
A free space, a field of experimentation, a playground where many things are possible for which there has simply been no room up to now.
Whether it's a glittering party in the historic ballroom, workshops on the most fascinating niche topics, theatre, art-house cinema, political education, chamber music, trying your hand at crafts in open workshops and repair meetings, the finest fair trade coffee, advice and support for a thousand other ideas. You'll have to be dreaming wildly if you don't find what you're looking for here, or if you can't realise your plans together with us.
We want it all: to be the nucleus and driving force for a better, more queer, more social, more just, more solidary, more ecological, louder, friendlier tomorrow. And offer Vorpommern a stage for everything that has been missing in the region so far.
We: that is a group of idealists, dreamers and chaotics. Half the time we run around the house headless, spill our ideas on you and celebrate with you. The rest of the time we sit around, ask ourselves how autumn has come again and do the end of the year. Together with us, you can learn to pull off such a completely overambitious project. Be overwhelmed with us and realise: together you can really rock EVERYTHING.
Most of us are volunteers because we want Greifswald to have this place. We organise ourselves in self-governing groups that cover different areas of work, and major decisions are made at large plenums. Whatever you feel like doing: bar shifts, organising events, supporting the educational and workshop offers, implementing and improving the infrastructure, dismantling barriers, getting involved in anti-discrimination work, in the open workshops, at the student festival or theatre.
We are your friends - you'll never be alone again.