We plan and coordinate exhibitions promoting diversity, creativity, democracy and exchange.
We meet monthly at the STRAZE. Write to us if you would like to join us.E-mail contact
We are a self-organized group and coordinate exhibitions at STRAZE. We are involved in various areas at STRAZE and bring different perspectives to the table. We meet once a month to exchange ideas, select exhibitions and plan new projects. You and your ideas are welcome!
Our exhibitions are a reflection of our values: diversity, creativity, democracy, dialog and exchange. We believe in the power of art to build bridges and open up new perspectives. We therefore welcome creative and artistic contributions that reflect these values. We exclude any misanthropic representations and rely on an atmosphere of togetherness and appreciation.
We look forward to bringing creativity and diversity to the STRAZE together with you.
To the current exhibitions at STRAZE
We practice Capoeira Angola - movement, music and play.
Capoeira Greifswald
Training hours: Monday from 6 pm, Friday from 5.30 pm in the "Bewegungsraum" at STRAZE.E-mail contact
In an attempt to pass on Afro-Brazilian culture, we make music, train and play collectively. We sweat, laugh and learn together. All are welcome, previous knowledge is not necessary.
We have been showing independent film productions from all over the world since 1992.
filmclub casablanca e. V.
Every second Monday at 8 pm at STRAZE.E-mail contact
The Casablanca e.V. film club has been showing small, special films in Greifswald and the surrounding area since 1992. The programme includes independent film productions from all over the world, if possible in the original and both feature films and documentaries. So far, the film club still shows 35mm films with original film projectors of the "TK 35" Tonkinokoffer system. New films are only released digitally, so a beamer is used in addition to the tried and tested technology.
We are a mixed a capella choir and develop a new programme of world music, pop and jazz and contemporary every year.
Choir practice Mondays 5-7:11 pm in the STRAZE
E-mail contactChortippus at Mastodon
The somewhat different choir in Greifswald - world music, pop, jazz, contemporary and even theatre music...
We are a mixed a capella choir and work together every year on a colourful three/four-part programme of world music, pop, jazz and contemporary music, with a lot of fun in singing together. Choral voice training and stage presence training are not neglected either, as there is a final concert for our programme every summer.
We spend one or two choir weekends together to get to know each other and to rehearse intensively. For those who can't get enough, there is the opportunity to do even more in small open ensemble groupings.
Our workshop is a place where you can experience either printing t-shirts, making sketchbooks, paper, posters… or just talking, creating and laughing with the accompanying concert in the background.
Monday to Thursday from 3 pm and 6 pm
E-mail contact
[druckkammer] is all about "designing". Our idea is to come everyday with new ideas, support people express through (printing) art and teach everything we know about printmaking or papermaking. We want “our” place to be “yours” as well. Our way of working is based on organizing small handcrafts events, mobile projects, supporting local markets or fairs and most importantly - printing. Possibilities are endless, if you have an idea but you’re not sure how to take it further, please come and see us on a Tuesday evening.The workshop is open from Monday to Thursday between 3 pm and 6 pm.
We formed in 2015 to counter the image of refugees as a problem with the image of collective solidarity and responsibility.
Greifswald hilft
Plenum: Thursdays 5 pm, STRAZEbibliothek
Instagram and Facebook
We help and network with specific concerns, organize cultural and educational projects, and organize political actions.
For example:
You are looking for support, want to join us or network?
Come with your concerns, questions and ideas to our plenum or write us a message.
We are an association at the University of Greifswald and organize an International Student Festival - which gives our association its funny name - and other cultural events.
GrIStuF e.V.
Plenum: Wednesdays at 8 pm at the STRAZE
Phone: +49 (0) 3834 42 01 780 Fax: +49 (0) 3834 42 01 781E-mail contactInstagram and Facebook
Greifswald International Students Festival
The non-profit Greifswald International Students Festival e.V. - short "GrIStuF" - would like to enrich the life in Greifswald and beyond by thematic and cultural events.
In addition to the popular Running Dinner, we have been organizing the Fête de la Musique in Greifswald at the beginning of summer on June 21 for several years, as well as other small events such as readings or concerts. Our biggest project is the Greifswald International Students Festival, taking place every two years, which gives our association its name.
With our association we also want to create spaces for culture and new things. Therefore we are always open to new projects and support creative minds. Come by and bring in your ideas!
In addition to the projects described above, we also organize living room concerts and make radio. Sometimes we also organize film screenings and exhibitions.
Ultimately, we do whatever the members of the association are enthusiastic about. So if you have an idea to enrich the cultural life in Greifswald, just come by and visit us: every Wednesday at 8 pm in our living room at the STRAZE.
We support migrant engagement and volunteering in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
House of Resources Greifswald
Wednesday and Thursday: 9-12 am and 2-5 pm
Mobile: +49 (0) 160 97 78 71 36
House of Resources Stralsund Bartherstr. 1
Tuesday: 9-12 am
Mobile: +49 (0) 151 64 87 02 02E-mail contact
The House of Resources is a nationwide support program financed by funds from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. We support migrant engagement and participation on a local level. We support integrative initiatives, projects, organizations, associations and volunteers as well as migrant organizations. The project strives for active and equal participation in shaping the coexistence of people, especially those with migration experience. The focus of the work is on Greifswald, Stralsund and the surrounding area. We achieve this by
Please feel free to contact us if we can advise, accompany and support you in setting up a project, a group or an association.
We offer you space, time and equipment to rediscover tailoring and other handicrafts, to use resources more sustainably and to make individual clothes.
Open sewing workshop Kabutze
Opening hours: Tuesday 2-6 pm, Thursday 4-8 pm
Plenum to join in: every 2nd Wednesday 7 pm
Mobile: +49 (0) 163 75 36 988E-mail contactInstagram and Facebook
The open sewing workshop offers you space, time and equipment to rediscover tailoring and other handicrafts, to use resources more sustainably and to make individual clothes. The Kabutze is run on a voluntary basis by young people who show you the sewing machines and help you with your sewing projects. In addition, we focus on exchange among the users. You can use the workshop and all materials for a donation (recommended donation 3-6 euros/hour). Twice a month we offer sewing workshops with a focus on tailoring or upcycling. You can also learn to sew in our sewing courses. In film evenings, public lectures and actions we deal with the social and ecological consequences of the fashion and textile industry. You can find the current programme on our website.
We run the traditional sailing ship "Lovis" together and in a self-organised way - a floating free space that you can make your own with seminars, class trips, campaigns, action trips or leisure trips.
Phone: +49 (0) 3834 77 68 46
Can you learn ecological, socio-political and social responsibility at a seminar? No! But one can encourage it. The seminars at Lovis pursue this goal. They give children, young people and adults a possible answer to the question of why it is worth getting involved. In addition to seminars, a variety of other trips also take place on the Lovis: Campaigns and action trips, leisure trips or nature and culture trips. You have an idea? We have a ship! Together we will plan your trip and help you to realise it.
We sail Lovis together - it takes many hands to sail such a big ship! All those who sail with us are therefore part of the crew that moves the ship. And not only that: everyone also contributes to the necessary care work, cooks and cleans and looks after each other.
Every now and then we are asked "Who owns the Lovis?" A club. So we could actually also say: us. We, that's about 30 people between 20 and 60, make decisions together. We also argue, but without losing our appreciation for each other. And: we not only share decisions, but also responsibility. For the safety of the ship, the content and the profitability of the project.
Would you like to get to know us and sail with us? Then write to us or browse our website for trips and construction weeks to join in.
We organise events on topics such as the climate crisis and health, the DRG system and mental health, and we also campaign for the teaching and performance of abortions.
Working Group on Medicine and Human Rights
Plenum: Mondays at 8 pm in the STRAZE
E-mail contactInstagram and Facebook
As AG medicine and human rights, we want to take a critical look at the implementation of human rights in the field of health and medicine. One thematic focus is on the effects of the climate crisis on health. We also deal with feminist issues such as abortion or flinta* health. We organise various events such as workshops, lectures or film evenings. We are also happy to work together with other initiatives for events, such as the Arbeitskreis kritischer Jurist*innen (Working Group of Critical Lawyers). Furthermore, we are networked on a national and international level. If you would like to get involved with us or just want to get to know us, please come along or write to us. We always meet on Mondays at 8 pm in the STRAZE.
We want to inspire people to take action for nature through collective action. We want future generations to find an earth that is worth living on.
NABU Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania
Office Greifswald
Monday till Friday: 8 am - 4 pm
Phone: +49 (0) 3834 77 68 48
E-mail contact (Umweltbildung[at]NABU-MV[dot]de) and Weiterbildung[at]NABU-MV[dot]de
The Mecklenburg-Western Pomeranian Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU MV) has two offices in the STRAZE. The five employees plan various campaigns and events from here. Projects such as “Networked Diversity” are currently being implemented. We invite people to numerous lectures and hands-on activities. Among other things, we organize citizen science projects where you can help to record the populations of wild bee species such as the ox-tongue sand bee, knotted sand bee and saltmarsh silk bee as well as spring fairy shrimp. You can find further information and counting aids to print out on our website (Materials for the Networked Diversity Project - NABU Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania).
If you have any questions about environmental protection and nature conservation, you will find the right contact person at NABU MV. You can also borrow a wide range of exciting educational materials from the office - or download some of them directly from our website (see above: Project materials).
With the insect experience box, you can embark on a fascinating journey into the world of insects. In keeping with the theme, you can use the wild bee puzzle to recreate ten native wild bee species - or fantasy bees - and get to know them better. You can get your own game for a recommended donation of 10 to 20 euros.
The forest experience box takes you into the different layers of this magical habitat. In the habitat game, you are invited to explore native habitats in your area and experience the world from the perspective of its animal inhabitants.
Our office also serves as a collection point for old corks, which can be recycled and reused elsewhere.
We look forward to seeing you at one of our events!
We give a voice to nature in the region.
NABU Regionalgruppe Greifswald e. V.
Phone: +49 (0) 3834 77 37 883
NABU Greifswald is a regional subdivision of the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union of Germany, one of the environmental associations with the largest membership in the Federal Republic. Together we get involved and are committed to people and nature - especially to biodiversity and the protection of intact habitats, good air, clean water, healthy soils and the careful use of our finite resources. In addition to the active board of directors, which is made up of volunteer members, there are numerous expert groups that specialize in topics relevant to nature conservation.
We are a queer education and anti-discrimination project from Greifswald.
Queer education and anti-discrimination project
Team meeting (eduaction): please contact jamie[at]bildung-qube[dot]de
Plenary (event planning): please contact miro[at]bildung-qube[dot]de
Office hours: by appointment
Mobile: +49 (0) 151 67 19 27 51 (education)
Mobile: +49 (0) 151 67 19 27 52 / +49 (0) 152 56 71 74 21 (events, empowerment)
What we do
We create spaces for empowerment, give workshops for different target groups and organize public events. With our offers we want to stimulate, try out and practice diversity-inclusive and anti-discriminatory action.
A central part of anti-discrimination work for us is empowerment. We organize practical and artistic empowerment workshops by and for (also multi-discriminated) queer people. The workshops enable networking and the development of action strategies and resources in dealing with discrimination.
We assume that all people bear responsibility for counteracting discrimination and other forms of violence. We therefore offer educational programs on queer diversity and anti-discriminatory action for various target groups - from school project days to further training for professionals.
Public events
In order to normalize queer diversity in society, it is important to be a visible / audible / readable and tangible part of it. Together with cooperation partners, we organize our own events and participate in existing local event series.
There is a podcast about our work, which is broadcasted by local radio stations and is available on our website with transcription.
Who we are
Qube is run by a volunteer team, supported by four part-time staff members since March 2020. Experiential perspectives as, for example, trans*, queer and/or disabled people shape our work. We are happy to have the support of allied people.
We are located in the STRAZE in Greifswald. There we have our offices and bring queer perspectives into the operation of this self-managed project. Since January 2021, our supporting association is the Jugend kann bewegen e.V. (Youth can move). We share similar goals with the association, such as the concern to create offers by and for (multi-)discriminated people.
Our work is currently financed by the funding of our model project "BAEM! Queere Bildungs-, Antidiskriminierungs- und Empowermentarbeit in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern lokal verankern" (BEAM! Queer education, anti-discrimination and empowerment work in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania locally anchored") in the federal program "Demokratie leben!". We receive co-financing from the "GLS Treuhand - Dachstiftung für individuelles Schenken".
We are open to ideas and criticism and would be happy to hear from people who, after this project presentation, feel like working with us or getting involved in our work!
We are made up of several chaotic, playful theater groups that can be joined by other chaotic, playful people.
No regular plenary, office or opening hours!
Phone: +49 (0) 3834 42 03 274
We are a theater club where all people interested in theater are welcome. For many years we have been an important part of the Greifswald and especially the student cultural scene. In addition to our performances, we also offer participatory activities such as the free mini theater workshop "wing it!", which is especially suitable to get to know the StuThe, and many other workshops on different topics.
The core of our association are the different play-groups. Interested people have the opportunity to get involved as a player or in other areas. It is not a requirement to be a student, nor do you need to have previous knowledge or experience.
Are you interested? Come by or get in touch!
We are an initiative for cross-border voluntary service in Western Pomerania.
Initiative for Volunteer Service Turbina Pomerania
Availability in the STRAZE: please check the homepage.
Phone: +49 (0) 3834 77 37 882
Mobile: +49 (0) 157 30 98 87 37
We want to change the world and start with voluntary service.
We promote civic engagement by enabling people of different ages to volunteer in social, cultural or ecological projects in Germany or around the world, thus gaining valuable experience for themselves and helping to shape society. We work across borders with a network between our many different placement sites and their volunteers.
We would like to see better regional networking in Western Pomerania and also across Polish-German and other international borders. We live and work in a region from which many people leave and to which few move. We want to make a small contribution to changing that.
We are interested in human rights, culture, environmental education, global learning, peace, environmental protection and emancipation and want to bring together those who live and do so in Western Pomerania and West Pomerania. We want to strengthen civil society in our region while taking a global perspective.
We organise project days at schools on topics of global justice, the Repair Café, VeRa (verquer.-Radio), print events with [druckkammer], weekly children's and youth meeting in Schönwalde and much more.
verquer. – Diverse education in Western Pomerania
Monday till Friday: 9 am - 4 pm at STRAZE
Phone: +49 (0) 3834 77 37 881
Since 2011, verquer. has been organising educational and information events on global justice issues.
We position ourselves
... for global justice without dependency relations,
... for human rights and a diverse coexistence without discrimination and racism,
... for a sustainable use of resources,
... for a democratic and solidary coexistence.
We organise project days at schools on topics of global justice, the Repair Café, VeRa (verquer. radio), print events with [druckkammer], and weekly children's and youth meetings in Schönwalde. In addition, verquer. regularly organises public events. For example, film screenings, lectures or workshops.
We produce regional vegetables for you, work transparently and fair, want to minimize transport routes and question existing economic practices through concrete action.
WildeMöhre Wednesday afternoon 3-6 pm at STRAZE. Farm: Hof Levin 8, 18519 SundhagenE-mail contact
E-mail contact the core group
The community-supported agriculture farm WildeMöhre is located in the small village of Tremt between Greifswald and Stralsund about one kilometer away from the Strelasund. There we live and work: Bene and Charlotte with our three children and some sheep and chickens. It is very idyllic and beautiful for us. And now we grow delicious vegetables for the people of our region, for you.
The gardeners of the WildenMöhre are Benedikt Gerigk, graduate landscape ecologist, and Charlotte Zeigner, pedagogue and passionate gardener. Our desire is to produce regional vegetables for you, to work transparently and fair, to minimize transport routes and to question existing economic practices through concrete action. We are happy to create new living spaces together with you and to make a sustainable contribution to the nutrition of all of us. In the long run, we want to enrich the Solawi with a farm store and café to reach even more people in the region and to enliven the cultural life beyond the pure work.
The Solawi starts with about 2 hectares of land directly adjacent to the farm. The vegetables will grow in the open field as well as in foil tunnels. The patches will be used according to the principles of market gardening, which means that mulch and compost will be used, so that plowing and intensive tillage of the patches is not necessary. In coordination with the shareholders, there will be a colorful, seasonal variety of vegetables from well-known and unusual varieties.