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Das Programm in der Straze

MI 16

Belarus 2020 - Dokumentarfilm Trilogie

Zum internationalen Tag der Menschenrechte möchte sich das STRAZE Universum solidarisch mit Freund:innen und der Zivilgesellschaft in Belarus zeigen

Deswegen laden wir am Mitwoch 16.12.2020 zu einer Online Kurzfilmvorführung und anschließender Diskussion ein: https://conference.sixtopia.net/b/tur-jzw-1k9

Alle Filme haben englischsprachige Untertitel, die Diskussion findet in englischer Sprache statt. Eine Übersetzung ins Deutsche ist möglich.

Wer es nicht zur Veranstaltung schafft und trotzdem die belarusische Zivilgesellschaft unterstützen möchte kann eine E-Mail an pr@straze.de schicken und bekommt weitere Informationen zugeschickt.

Die gezeigten Filme sind eine Trilogie mit dem Titel Belarus 2020:

1. “There Will Be April” (directed by Andrei Kutilo) Ksenia has worked on state television all her life. She has received several awards for her work as a journalist. On the day the presidential election results were announced, she and her daughter decided to join protests against fraud. No one expected that the night and the following days could turn into violence from the authorities.
2. "What are we going to do tomorrow?" (directed by Maksim Shved) Maksim is a documentary filmmaker who tries to tell other people's stories. While working on a film about the presidential elections, he witnessed how the armed forces of the police and the military violently confront the protesters in Minsk. Maxim turns the camera towards himself, but this solution comes at a price.
3.  "How can I help you?" (directed by Yekaterina Markovets) After the violent dispersal of peaceful rallies, Belarusian psychologists launched a volunteer support service. Alex helps the victims get through these difficult events. He is approached by people who have experienced violence from the riot police, as well as Belarusians who do not know how to live in their native country. It is not easy even for a professional to be there and support them in such a situation.