ExhibitionsRecurring events
Irish session to play along or listen
For game enthusiasts of all ages.
Research results of the University of Rostock on education and participation of Muslims in MV are presented and discussed Lecture & subsequent…
Bringing back the Feier in Feierabend!
with Mestre Perna (GCAIG Grupo Capoeira Angola Irmãos Guerreiros - SP Brasil / Centro Cultural Cazuá Bremen) Movement, music and play
Intercultural café in the STRAZE. In a relaxed atmosphere, the House of Resources Greifswald creates a space for networking and exchange on…
Open Jam Night from 7 Pm at STRAZEcafé
Get-together for queers and friends.
It is time to sit together in the STRAZEcafé and work on your own handicraft projects. Every first and third Monday of the month.
Multilingual Fun at STRAZE Language Café. +++ Now every two weeks on Tuesdays. +++
with Julia Gläser (jeden Montag 12-13 Uhr)
with Julia Gläser (every monday 12am- 1pm)