ExhibitionsRecurring events
Multilingual Fun at STRAZE Language Café. +++ Now every two weeks on Tuesdays. +++
Intercultural café in the STRAZE. In a relaxed atmosphere, the House of Resources Greifswald creates a space for networking and exchange on…
Live music every second week in the STRAZE library
Get-together for queers and friends.
It is time to sit together in the STRAZEcafé and work on your own handicraft projects. Every first and third Monday of the month.
Open Jam Night from 7 Pm at STRAZEcafé
Opening hours in the sewing workshop Kabutze
Thursdays openening hours for everyone 14+ in the [druckkammer]
Opening hours in the sewing workshop Kabutze.
Capoeira, making music and exchange -for all. From 5 pm training for younger children (+ parents), 5.30 pm music for everyone, 6 pm training for…
Repairing instead of throwing away! Fortnightly on Mondays in the STRAZE, organized by verquer.
From 5.30 pm training for beginners and children and teens, from 6 pm music for all, 6.30 pm training for all. Capoeira playing, music-making and…