

TH 09
16:00 - 20:00h
Fun & Games Exchange / Networking Recurring Event STRAZEcafé

Queer Café

Get-together for queers and friends.

In the Queer Café, we want to create a space as safe as possible for queer people. Sometimes we play games, or do crafts, or talk about queer topics. Sometimes we only have the capacity to be there. You are always welcome to bring something if you have ideas.

There will be drinks and sometimes vegan cake.

We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 4 to 8 pm in the STRAZE Café.

Feel free to bring your friends. If you come alone, you can write to us beforehand (on Instagram: @queercafe_hgw), or talk to the people at the counter. You're also welcome if you're wondering whether you're queer!

Barrier (dismantling)
The STRAZEcafé is accessible via the main entrance. A ramp is available at the main entrance. The interior is wheelchair accessible. There is a wheelchair-accessible toilet. All toilets are all gender toilets.

The "Neurokiste" will be available during the event. In the box you will find support material such as weighted blankets and pillows, noise-canceling headphones, earplugs and stim toys. We want to support neurodivergent people in participating in the event. However, the materials can be used by all participants.

The image shows three mice wearing party hats, which are distributed around a text field in the centre. The background is ochre-coloured, with a rainbow running through the middle of the picture. The caption at the top in blue reads Queer Café The text field in the centre reads: Where? STRAZE Café When? Every 2nd and 4th Thursday from 16:00-20:00 What? Playing, being creative and talking together. Next to the text field and between the mice is a small cloud with a sun on the edge. The cloud says: For queers and friends.